Sentence Clarity
Sometimes when I'm writing, I will jot down things I think of exactly how I would say them. This usually leads for things to be confusing, because I was taught you should not write how you speak. I think sentence clarity is the biggest problem for me when writing essays if I don't take the time to go back and change things around. I tend to use unclear pronouns such as this:
Unclear (unclear pronoun reference):
Posted by ClareBear at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Extra Credit
On Friday evening I went over to the Tabernacle for quite a delightful surprise. While I was expecting a rather boring lecture there was a wonderful musical number by Dr. Nancy Allred and Dr. Paul Abegg. Nancy was on the piano and Paul the violin. They played one Beethoven song and one Mozart piece. Then a slide show came on beautiful pictures of London and particularly Cambridge University. Professor Moseley of Cambridge came to speak about closing the gap in humanities. He caught all of the audiences attention with his British phrases such as "jolly good" and "brilliant!" He was very lively and talked about the Cambridge history a bit with facts like: it is 800 years old this year, it is the cheapest university to go to in England, one of the most prestigious, and named several great philosophers and influential persons who attended there. Professor Moseley also spoke about the seminars and trips that Dixie State faculty were able to go on to Cambridge and how important it is to have ties between the schools.
Posted by ClareBear at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Exposition vs. Description vs. Casue & Effect Modes
Expostition Writing
Exposition is explanatory writing
Exposition can be an incidental part of a description or a narration, or it can be the heart of an article
Aside from clarity, the key problem with exposition is credibility. What makes your explanation believable? Normally, writers solve this problem by citing authorities who have good credentials and good reason to be experts in the subject.
Description Writing
Creates a main impression-an overall effect, feeling, or image -about the topic
Uses concrete, specific details to support the main impression
Uses details that appeal to the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch
Cause & Effect
In this kind of essay, the aim is to explain the causes (reasons) or the effects (results) of an event or situation.
e.g. Causes of air pollution (multiple factors leading to air pollution).
e.g. Effects of watching too much TV (many effects of a situation).
At first I was just going to go with description. However, after looking into the different modes a little moreI feel my paper would best be written with cause and effect along with exposition. I need to explain in detail the problem and connect it to the media but I also want to show the effects of the problem.
Posted by ClareBear at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Fifty Questions About Child Prostitution and Trafficking
1. What age groups are most effected?
2. What countries have the worst problem?
3. What are those countries doing to fix it and help the children?
4. Are boys or girls more effected?
5. Are there any agencies, organizations, or groups that are doing anything to stop trafficking?
6. What are some tactics traffickers use?
7. What is the history of prostitution?
8. What are the economics in the countries where this is happening and is there a correlation?
9. Where does the US rank?
10. What kinds of work do the kids do who are sold into slavery?
11. Do parents try to find their kids?
12. Do parents sell their kids?
13. What are the working conditions like for the kids?
14. What is the usual outcome for child slaves?
15. Do any of them escape?
16. How much money are the traffickers making?
17. What is the punishment for traffickers in the different countries?
18. Are police involved with the traffickers?
19. How organized is the trafficking?
20. Are there any known organized trafficking groups?
21. What are some psychological effects on the children?
22. What is the mortality rate of the children in these conditions?
23. Are there certain countries that traffickers pick up kids from and take then take them to a different one?
24. Where are the majority of trafficked children from that end up in the US?
25. What are parents doing to protect their children?
26. Where are the people usually from that buy trafficked children as slaves?
27. Where are the people usually from that buy children as prostitutes?
28. Are there any punishments for people from the US going abroad and purchasing children for sex?
29. Are children educated about safety in countries where this is a major crisis?
30. How many children does this happen to?
31. What are the conditions child slaves live under?
32. Does the US buy any of the products that they make?
33. Why are US citizens who are minors prosecuted for being prostitutes but not girls that are trafficked from other countries?
34. Are child slaves ever let go?
35. What do they do as adults ?
36. How many children die from sexual transmitted diseases?
37. What are some other leading causes of death among child prostitutes?
38. What are some health conditions that child slaves deal with?
39. How closely related is child pornography and child prostitution?
40. Are there any agencies that deal with rehabilitating the children that are rescued or run away?
41. Are parents punished for selling their kids in other countries?
42. How many kids are trafficked into the US for labor or sex?
43. How popular is the sex tourism?
44. Do children prostitutes get paid at all?
45. Do child prostitutes continue the cycle once they are adults?
46. What is the percentage of girls that get pregnant?
47. What do if a girl gets pregnant?
48. Are there other crimes associated with child trafficking?
49. Are the children ever forced to use drugs?
50. What can an individual do to help stop child trafficking ans prostitution?
Posted by ClareBear at 11:18 PM 0 comments
Double Negatives
I don't think I have a problem with this, but I couldn't think of anything to do this on and my boyfriend mentioned double negatives. Actually, when hearing someone speak with double negatives it sounds very "country". "I don't want nothing," would be a great example of this. It should be "I want something". A website that gave many examples was this one.
Posted by ClareBear at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Dangling Modifers
This is an error I usually do not catch, but realize it can be a major problem. This happens when the modifier is "attached" to something other than what the author intended. For instance being attached to an object instead of a person. Ex. "I saw the trailer peeking through the window" would need to be re-written as "I saw the trailer as I was peeking through the window"
This website gave me instruction: Click Here
Posted by ClareBear at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Starting with "and" or "but"
In elementary school when you learn how to write sentences you are told NEVER start a sentence with an "and" or a "but". However, that was just so we could learn how to form and construct sentences correctly. You really can use those two words.
A sentence beginning with and or but will tend to draw attention to itself and its transitional function. Writers should examine such sentences with two questions in mind: (1) would the sentence and paragraph function just as well without the initial conjunction? (2) should the sentence in question be connected to the previous sentence? If the initial conjunction still seems appropriate, use it.
This website was helpful.
Posted by ClareBear at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Public School Systems
After reading the two stories I looked back on my own public education. In the story by Rose he describes how he felt he did what he had to in order to get through high school, but he did it half-minded. To a degree I feel the same. Which goes along with the first story by Gatto about how the biggest problem for students and teachers is boredom. It was only in my AP classes that I felt engaged, and had to think outside of busy work and easy formulas and memorizing key terms. Maybe everyone that goes to public school is really just being conditioned to be a good working middle class citizen that know their place in society. And the students that get into college especially ivy league schools and other notables are being trained to be the next leaders of the "good working middle class citizens". Is it right? I don't know, but it does work to sort out the "leaders" from the "trouble makers" and the nonconformists from the sheep.
Posted by ClareBear at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Idiot Nation or Idiot Author?
I must say I have never been more intrigued to read someone else's opinion when I disagree with them on so many points. Micheal Moore's "Idiot Nation" was written so to keep the audience, who may or may not be agreeing, very interested with facts and data.
Honestly, at first I didn't like it. Then after reading some of Moore's view points on illiteracy and how the funding works for public school I starting to think "Wow this guy knows what he is talking about." By the end I feel like I am on middle ground. Moore's facts are all lines up and he uses them well, however, I feel he is pointing the finger at anyone and everyone. On the subject of poor curriculum for students he first blames politicians, but not teachers, then he blames corporate America, but not parents. (And on the topic of parents I would say that if a child isn't doing well in school it is the parent's responsibility to step up and do something more. Kids aren't being raised primarily by teachers or at least they shouldn't be.)
Another thing, is it so wrong to go with the norm? Do we all have to stand out and be rebellious and question all the authority in our lives to be considered intelligent? I don't think so. As much as we should think twice about doing everything we are told to do we should also learn that in order to achieve things we have to jump through other people's hoops sometimes. I don't believe we would have many professionals like doctors and lawyers if they had acted as Michael Moore did as a high school student and as he directs other students to do.
The whole advirtising in schools is just a big mess. Yes, it takes away from class time. Yes, it goes too far like with the "coke day". But at the same time these big companies are not required to help out the schools. It is another source to money for the schools that I think any district could use.
Overall I liked Michael Moore's comments, but his general attitude hasn't matured passed a rebellious teenager. And he only gave suggestions for students to question and cause problems for authority, but not to solve the issue that the public school system is suffering because of lack of funds which I believe is the real problem here.
Posted by ClareBear at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Subject Verb Agreement
Sometimes when I'm not paying very close attention to my writing I tend to forget to keep the verb plural when the subject is plural.
Ex. The boy runs. The friends run.
Rule:The basic rule states that a singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb.
Posted by ClareBear at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Lolly Lolly Lolly Get Your Adverbs Here
From the Schoolhouse Rock videos I learned what adverbs were. Though bad habits and speaking incorrectly I forgot how to use them properly.
Rule: Adverbs must always precede the verb.
Blog that helped me out: http://weinbergonwriting.blogspot.com/2006/12/placing-adverbs-properly.html
Posted by ClareBear at 10:34 PM 0 comments
The Comma Splice :(
I have a problem with comma splices. If I write how I speak I will usually will run into this problem.
The rule: If there are two independent clauses joined by a comma there also needs to be a conjuction such as: and, but, or, etc.
The website that helped me: Click here
Posted by ClareBear at 4:21 PM 0 comments
My opinion on being an American has changed over the years. As a young girl I was always told how lucky I was to be a girl in this day and age and in this country. I was never limited in my hopes and dreams and what I could become. I didn't have a real gasp of why I was so lucky and why other girls in other countries weren't in the same boat as me. Around the age of 14 I was exposed to literature about other people, cultures, and nations. One book really stuck out to me about a girl from India who had an arranged marriage. This story and others made me appreciate being an American citizen.
Today, my oldest brother is preparing to leave to Iraq in April. This experience for my family has also changed my opinion on being an American citizen. We have freedoms that many countries don't have. And on top of that we have citizens in this country that want to be able to liberate others and give them the same freedoms they enjoy.
This book is different from any other English book I've had. I believe it was written in order to challenge typical and comfortable thinking. I believe critical thinking helps open the mind to new ideas and concepts that might not be widely accepted. However, there are many benefits to having an open mind. For example, having tolerance for other cultures and religions.
Posted by ClareBear at 8:26 PM 0 comments
One of the hardest grammar issues for me is the one I decided I should start with first. I have a problem deciding if I should use "effect" or "affect" in a sentence. Sometimes I will change my whole sentence just so I won't use the wrong one. Once I understand the definitions of both it should help me in choosing what one would be correct.
Posted by ClareBear at 2:41 PM 2 comments