
A New View


Sentence Clarity

Sometimes when I'm writing, I will jot down things I think of exactly how I would say them. This usually leads for things to be confusing, because I was taught you should not write how you speak. I think sentence clarity is the biggest problem for me when writing essays if I don't take the time to go back and change things around. I tend to use unclear pronouns such as this:

Unclear (unclear pronoun reference):

Larissa worked in a national forest last summer, which may be her career choice.


Larissa worked in a national forest last summer; forest management may be her career choice.


Extra Credit

On Friday evening I went over to the Tabernacle for quite a delightful surprise. While I was expecting a rather boring lecture there was a wonderful musical number by Dr. Nancy Allred and Dr. Paul Abegg. Nancy was on the piano and Paul the violin. They played one Beethoven song and one Mozart piece. Then a slide show came on beautiful pictures of London and particularly Cambridge University. Professor Moseley of Cambridge came to speak about closing the gap in humanities. He caught all of the audiences attention with his British phrases such as "jolly good" and "brilliant!" He was very lively and talked about the Cambridge history a bit with facts like: it is 800 years old this year, it is the cheapest university to go to in England, one of the most prestigious, and named several great philosophers and influential persons who attended there. Professor Moseley also spoke about the seminars and trips that Dixie State faculty were able to go on to Cambridge and how important it is to have ties between the schools.