
Dangling Modifers

This is an error I usually do not catch, but realize it can be a major problem. This happens when the modifier is "attached" to something other than what the author intended. For instance being attached to an object instead of a person. Ex. "I saw the trailer peeking through the window" would need to be re-written as "I saw the trailer as I was peeking through the window"
This website gave me instruction: Click Here


Starting with "and" or "but"

In elementary school when you learn how to write sentences you are told NEVER start a sentence with an "and" or a "but". However, that was just so we could learn how to form and construct sentences correctly. You really can use those two words.

A sentence beginning with and or but will tend to draw attention to itself and its transitional function. Writers should examine such sentences with two questions in mind: (1) would the sentence and paragraph function just as well without the initial conjunction? (2) should the sentence in question be connected to the previous sentence? If the initial conjunction still seems appropriate, use it.

This website was helpful.


Public School Systems

After reading the two stories I looked back on my own public education. In the story by Rose he describes how he felt he did what he had to in order to get through high school, but he did it half-minded. To a degree I feel the same. Which goes along with the first story by Gatto about how the biggest problem for students and teachers is boredom. It was only in my AP classes that I felt engaged, and had to think outside of busy work and easy formulas and memorizing key terms. Maybe everyone that goes to public school is really just being conditioned to be a good working middle class citizen that know their place in society. And the students that get into college especially ivy league schools and other notables are being trained to be the next leaders of the "good working middle class citizens". Is it right? I don't know, but it does work to sort out the "leaders" from the "trouble makers" and the nonconformists from the sheep.


Idiot Nation or Idiot Author?

I must say I have never been more intrigued to read someone else's opinion when I disagree with them on so many points. Micheal Moore's "Idiot Nation" was written so to keep the audience, who may or may not be agreeing, very interested with facts and data.
Honestly, at first I didn't like it. Then after reading some of Moore's view points on illiteracy and how the funding works for public school I starting to think "Wow this guy knows what he is talking about." By the end I feel like I am on middle ground. Moore's facts are all lines up and he uses them well, however, I feel he is pointing the finger at anyone and everyone. On the subject of poor curriculum for students he first blames politicians, but not teachers, then he blames corporate America, but not parents. (And on the topic of parents I would say that if a child isn't doing well in school it is the parent's responsibility to step up and do something more. Kids aren't being raised primarily by teachers or at least they shouldn't be.)
Another thing, is it so wrong to go with the norm? Do we all have to stand out and be rebellious and question all the authority in our lives to be considered intelligent? I don't think so. As much as we should think twice about doing everything we are told to do we should also learn that in order to achieve things we have to jump through other people's hoops sometimes. I don't believe we would have many professionals like doctors and lawyers if they had acted as Michael Moore did as a high school student and as he directs other students to do.
The whole advirtising in schools is just a big mess. Yes, it takes away from class time. Yes, it goes too far like with the "coke day". But at the same time these big companies are not required to help out the schools. It is another source to money for the schools that I think any district could use.
Overall I liked Michael Moore's comments, but his general attitude hasn't matured passed a rebellious teenager. And he only gave suggestions for students to question and cause problems for authority, but not to solve the issue that the public school system is suffering because of lack of funds which I believe is the real problem here.